n2s technologies

35 Visitas

Chennai - 600096, Tamil Nadu, India

Teléfono: 9384014018
Horas de Trabajo:

Lunes - Viernes : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sábado : 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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  • Servicio de moldeo por inyección plástico
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Flake type plastic crushing machine


Flake type Granulator is a Plastic Crusher Machine, used in crushing ordinary sheets, tubes, extrusion mold products, runners, packaging materials, and other plastic products.

Granulators are in different shapes and sizes that are designed to granulate specific parts or plastic chunks. We provide customized mesh holes according to the client’s demand and specifications.

N2S Technologies Pvt Ltd is a leading supplier of injection molding machine components to the plastic industry. We supply the best products to meet our customers needs.

brandn2s technologies
website linkhttps://n2s-tech.com/crusher/flake-type-plastic-crusher-machine/

Productos de la tienda

Claw/Flat Type – Plastic Crusher
INR 155000.00
INR 150000.00
Brand:N2S technologies

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